The Painful Truth About The Worldwide Church of God
Garner Ted Armstrong Assumes Room Temperature

Your mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, all females, and your money are safer tonight.

Below is an "official" statement that went out just a couple of days ago:

"Ted has been in the hospital with pneumonia for weeks, had some bad reactions to some drugs, and other complications. The following was sent out late Friday night.


Greetings to all the church on behalf of the Area Coordinators of the Intercontinental Church of God,

Following many phone calls, the updates from Mark Armstrong, and the worsening condition of Mr. Armstrong, we all collectively felt it imperative to send this urgent message and request.

By now you have probably read the update on the condition of Mr. Armstrong. As Mark stated in his e-mail to the church, “His heart is beating too fast and he is in grave danger.". We also received another e-mail late tonight from Tom Griffith stating, " I just finished a long phone conversation with Mark (Armstrong) and received a very grave picture of Mr. Armstrong's condition in ICU. The doctor has told them that he may not pull through this and that they should "prepare the family for the worst."

We know all of you have been fervent in prayer during these past weeks, and many have privately fasted for Mr. Armstrong's condition. But the time has come that it is needed to call for a collective day of prayer and fasting. Time is of the utmost importance. We are asking that you read this information to your congregations tomorrow and ask if it be at all possible to begin the fast on Sunset at the close of the Sabbath for a 24 hour period. ( Sat. Sept. 13, 2003) We also know and understand that this may not be possible in everyone's situation. Particularly those with their own health problems, or individuals who may be facing situations that may prohibit a fast. If you are not able to fast at this time we are simply asking that each person go to God as fervently and sincerely as possible, so that we as one voice, as His spiritual organism be heard. And that God will grant our petition for his healing.

The scriptures are filled with numerous examples of God's intervention on behalf of His people. There is no reason to believe that He will not intervene now. James 5:15 states, "And the prayer of faith will save the sick". One last thing; before you leave to go to your respective homes this Sabbath, please come together and close out the day in a prayer that God would grant His healing and mercy upon Mr. Armstrong, Mrs. Armstrong, his family and this church, and that He honor our fast and grant a quick recovery.

Many thanks in advance on behalf of the church for all you do each and every week. We know that mark will keep us posted as we go forward.

In Jesus name

The Area Coordinators if the ICG"


Dear Concerned Friends,

It is with a broken heart that I must inform all of you that my precious Dad, Garner Ted Armstrong, died today at 1:20 pm. I know that all of you prayed with all you had as we did here, and fully expected God's intervention. We cannot fully understand why the healing we begged for was not granted. But God's thoughts are not our thoughts, and He has plans sometimes that we as mortal humans cannot see.

I know that my Dad fully expected that his work will continue, and we all have an enormous responsibility to make certain that his work has not been in vain, and that his voice will not be silenced. His broadcasts will continue, his wisdom and his knowledge will constantly be made available to the church and to the public at large in the unique way only he has been able to explain and portray the truths of God.

I'm in the process of contacting all of the area oordinators and leaders throughout this fine organization you all have helped my Dad build. I will be looking to them for wisdom and council. Thank God for the fine gentlemen who have unselfishly given of themselves during this most recent phase of my Dad's ministry. Thank you all for the generous support you've shown my Father. He appreciated all of you and constantly thanked God for you.


Mark Armstrong

Send cards and flowers to:

Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association



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