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Queer Ideas
by the Dozen

The Apostle published The Shocking Truth About Queer Men in the December 1961 issue of the Plain Truth Magazine. Using a high-ranking evangelist, God revealed to an enlightened church that all homosexuals are effeminate men - i.e., QUEER - that the likes of a truly masculine man like Rock Hudson would eat for breakfast!  These "queers" lurk behind every corner to molest children and undermine the American democratic way of life! Careful, there might even be one in your own family!!

THERE IS NO CAUSE FOR ALARM. The article divinely reveals that there is a hope for the elect God is calling in the end times. Physical fitness cures homosexual behavior! Yes, you heard it here first! The world tomorrow will be a giant gymnasium of testosterone-driven males who crave women (in a Godly way, of course)!!!

For those who are not willing to wade through the entire article for the GRAVE TRUTH, here are a quick dozen queer ideas from this inspired masterwork of 1960s Church of God logic and reason:

  1. RUN FOR THE HILLS!!! They [homosexual men] are out to overtake us."Someday we'll outnumber you and then you will be abnormal" threatens a quote from a "homosexual author." The article warns that a "secret queer" could even be "among those you love most deeply." Some are "even married men with families and responsible jobs!" (Page 1)
  2. DO NOT TRUST THE MALEMAN!!!  The rise in venereal disease of the early sixties is directly attributed to "MALE contact with MALE prostitutes." (Page 1)
  3. NO MORE OVER THE TOP BOYS!  THEY GO FOR THE BOTTOM!!! The reason the U.S. military did not fair well in the Korean War was due to America's increasingly weak and effeminate men. Communists realized this, exploited it and actively promoted it in American popular culture. "America - WAKE UP!" (Page 4)
  4. I'M CRAZY FOR MY MOMMY!!! The reason men are effeminate, and therefore "queer," is due to letting women rule over all aspects of their lives. Homes "dominated by the mother produce ninety-one of each one hundred mentally sick adult males." (Page 4)
  5. PUMP ME UP!!!  Lack of physical fitness is the cause behind homosexual behavior. "And the sickening TRUTH is that these soft, Marshmallow-like men very easily turn to HOMOSEXUALITY and become "queers" in every sense of the word." (Page 13)
  6. CANNON FODDER. Queers [effeminate men] are "afraid of the enemy in battle" and will collaborate if captured. America's safety from the communists is threatened. (Page 13)
  7. GUESS WHO BUYS RAINCOATS???  Queers [effeminate men] are the ones responsible for child molestation. "they are AFRAID of normal interests in women leading to marriage and therefore in their cowardice turn to HORRIBLE crimes of perversity against young women and little boys and girls!" (Page 13)
  8. SHIP SHAPE OR IT'S THE POOP DECK, BOY. Apparently, fathers are the key to combatting queer behavior in their sons by demanding vigorous exercise "to feel their blood stirred up and get the male hormones stirring in their system. They need to feel a firmness and hardness in their muscles.they need to feel what it's like to be a man!" (Page 14)
  9. LADY MADONNA.  "False religions tend to be effeminate.Religious women tend to be among the guiltier ones in the problem of effeminate men.The more religious the mother is, the more she is inclined to emasculate the sons." (Page 37)
  10.  THE HANDBAG MATCHES THE RED CAPE. "The religion of the true God is very masculine"... "SATAN is a queer." (Page 38)
  11.   THE DAVID DEFENSE.  It is time to get back to the Bible and be a real man, like King David. Real men "will get rid of "queer" ideas in dress, art, music and literature, which have been perverted by an effeminate society." Modern art is "queer to the nth degree - a veritable mess of jumbled form and colors." British and American males wear "pink shirts and socks." The reason these things happen is that God has been left out. "That is why things are perverted and queer." (Page 38)
  12.   PROMISE KEEPERS. Real men will take back the lead from women and set a God-ordained example through exercise and fitness, which is our only hope to stem the tide of effeminate, queer men. Otherwise, God will destroy America and Britain and fulfill biblical prophecy.  (Page 38)


The lady protests too much, methinks.
-William Shakespeare's Hamlet Act 3 Scene 2