April 12, right, 1971

Dear Co-Worker in the Greatest Mission on Earff:

    GIANT doors 'ave been openin' before me, right, one after anuvver, wiv invitations for personal conferences wiv 'eads of state -- presidents, kings, prime ministers -- and many uvvers in 'igh offices of POWER, in many countries 'round the world. The remarkable fin' is that I did not seek or initiate these meetings -- not once! Blimey! I were invited, do wot guvnor!

    Guvnor Unofficial Citizen don't just take the bloomin' dog and bone, dial directly into the private office of an overseas chief executive, get 'im on the dog and bone, and say: "Oi, Kin' ole boy! I'm comin' right over ter see yer." 'e would never cop to the kin', the president, or the prime minister. Cor blimey guv!

    Even fough the time 'as come, right, in this great Commission, right, wen it is necessary for me ter have these personal meetings, right, there is absolutely NO WAY I could 'ave taken it into me own 'ands and accomplished it. It 'ad ter come like a continuous chain of MIRACULOUS occurrences. And it is 'avin' TREMENDOUS SIGNIFICANCE to the finishin' of this most important Commission on earff in 1900 years!

    These right important meetings 'ave suddenly catapulted the bloomin' entire Work up onto a new and 'igher plateau! Honest guv! The Work 'as moved suddenly into a TOTALLY NEW PHASE! Right! These providential new developments signal the warnin' ter YOU and ter me that we do not have much time left ter get done THE MOST IMPORTANT JOB ON EARTH IN 1900 YEARS! Oi! We 'ave now been moved into the last and final phase of the Work for this Age! Right!

    The bloomin' PLAIN TRUTH and TOMORROW'S WORLD 'ave become mass- circulated magazines -- now among the bloomin' world's largest. The PLAIN TRUTH, especially, right, is gainin' worldwide recognition and prestige as an 'igh quality aufforitative magazine -- even in top circles of government and education in countries all over the earff.

    Wiv so many MILLIONS of blokes bein' reached all over the bleedin' world, right, it 'as become NECESSARY ter the Work that I, right, as well as me son, Garner Ted, right, and uvvers on us editorial and research staffs, right, maintain a grasp and insight into world conditions such as is possessed by few on earff! Honest guv! As Editor of The bleedin' PLAIN TRUTH and TOMORROW'S WORLD -- wiv such multiMILLION readerships -- these personal conferences wiv rulers of nations 'round the world are providin' right important material for articles. I'll get out me spoons. Still more, they are givin' me increased UNDERSTANDING and insight into the chuffin' problems faced by many of the bleedin' world's chief rulers, right, usually not disclosed ter reporters, correspondents or editors of commercial magazines or newspapers.

    Until recently we 'ad reached, right, in this Great Commission, primarily the grass roots -- the bleedin' masses of the bloomin' common blokes -- the bloomin' RULED. But in this greatest Mission in 1900 years, it NOW 'as become NECESSARY that we cop directly ter them in TOP POSITIONS OF POWER -- AT THE TOP -- THE RULERS! Blimey! The chuffin' Work 'ad, of necessity, begin where it did. The time NOW 'as come wen them 'oo wield the POWER must also be reached! Of meself -- or wiv the bloomin' HUMAN ability of us entire organization -- it would, right, indeed 'ave been IMPOSSIBLE! Struth!

    THINK wot a great Work 'as been generated! And yet, WHAT A SHAME that I 'ave ter tell yer it is facin' a financial CRISIS, in wich we may even 'ave ter Put The Mockers On publication of The PLAIN TRUTH! Right! I'm not gonna say any more. God's blokes don't beg! Struth! To just simply state the NEED -- the bloomin' critical CRISIS NEED -- ought ter be enough. Until next monff, wen I will reveal ter yer, in confidence, the bloody incredible circumstances by wich these giant doors 'ave opened before me, I leave a mighty serious crisis-decision in yor 'ands.

Wiv sincere luv, in Jesus' name, right,

'erbert W. Armstrong