Apwiw 12, 1971

Deaw Co-Wowkew in the Gweatest Mission on Eawth:

    GIANT doows have been opening befowe me, one aftew anothew, wif invitations fow pewsonaw confewences wif heads of state -- pwesidents, kings, pwime ministews -- and many othews in high offices of POWEW, in many countwies awound the wowwd. De wemawkabwe thing is that I did not seek ow initiate these meetings -- not once! I was invited.

    Mw. Unofficiaw Citizen doesn't just take the tewephone, diaw diwectwy into the pwivate office of an ovewseas chief executive, get him on the phone, and say: "Hi, King owd boy! I'm coming wight ovew to see you." He wouwd nevew get to the king, the pwesident, ow the pwime ministew.

    Even though the time has come, in this gweat Commission, when it is necessawy fow me to have these pewsonaw meetings, thewe is absowutewy NO WAY I couwd have taken it into my own hands and accompwished it. It had to come wike a continuous chain of MIWACUWOUS occuwwences. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! And it is having TWEMENDOUS SIGNIFICANCE to the finishing of this most impowtant Commission on eawf in 1900 yeaws!

    Dese vewy impowtant meetings have suddenwy catapuwted the entiwe Wowk up onto a new and highew pwateau! De Wowk has moved suddenwy into a TOTAWWY NEW PHASE! Dese pwovidentiaw new devewopments signaw the wawning to YOU and to me that we do not have much time weft to get done DE MOST IMPOWTANT JOB ON EAWF IN 1900 YEAWS! We have now been moved into the wast and finaw phase of the Wowk fow this Age!

    De PWAIN TWUF and TOMOWWOW'S WOWWD have become mass- ciwcuwated magazines -- now among the wowwd's wawgest. De PWAIN TWUD, especiawwy, is gaining wowwdwide wecognition and pwestige as a high qwawity authowitative magazine -- even in top ciwcwes of govewnment and education in countwies aww ovew the eawth.

    Wif so many MIWWIONS of peopwe being weached aww ovew the wowwd, it has become NECESSAWY to the Wowk that I, as weww as my son, Gawnew Ted, and othews on ouw editowiaw and weseawch staffs, maintain a gwasp and insight into wowwd conditions such as is possessed by few on eawth! As Editow of De PWAIN TWUF and TOMOWWOW'S WOWWD -- wif such muwtiMIWWION weadewships -- these pewsonaw confewences wif wuwews of nations awound the wowwd awe pwoviding vewy impowtant matewiaw fow awticwes. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Stiww mowe, they awe giving me incweased UNDEWSTANDING and insight into the pwobwems faced by many of the wowwd's chief wuwews, usuawwy not discwosed to wepowtews, cowwespondents ow editows of commewciaw magazines ow newspapews. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!

    Untiw wecentwy we had weached, in this Gweat Commission, pwimawiwy the gwass woots -- the masses of the common peopwe -- the WUWED. But in this gweatest Mission in 1900 yeaws, it NOW has become NECESSAWY that we get diwectwy to those in TOP POSITIONS OF POWEW -- AT DE TOP -- DE WUWEWS! De Wowk had, of necessity, begin whewe it did. De time NOW has come when those who wiewd the POWEW must awso be weached! Of mysewf -- ow wif the HUMAN abiwity of ouw entiwe owganization -- it wouwd, indeed have been IMPOSSIBWE! DINK what a gweat Wowk has been genewated! And yet, WHAT A SHAME that I have to teww you it is facing a financiaw CWISIS, in which we may even have to STOP pubwication of De PWAIN TWUD! I'm not going to say any mowe. God's peopwe don't beg! To just simpwy state the NEED -- the cwiticaw CWISIS NEED -- ought to be enough. Untiw next month, when I wiww weveaw to you, in confidence, the incwedibwe ciwcumstances by which these giant doows have opened befowe me, I weave a mighty sewious cwisis-decision in youw hands. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!

Wif sincewe wove, in Jesus' name,

Hewbewt W. Awmstwong